Fall Colors Photography Workshop with Tony Newlin
Telluride, Colorado
Schedule TBD - please email if interested
The stunning autumn colors of Southwestern Colorado are one of my favorite photography venues. The crisp air, vibrant colors, and distant elk bugling all combine for magical days. ​
Telluride was my home for many years, and I know the area intimately. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my favorite places with the group as everyone strives to capture the stunning scenery.
We will spend 3 1/2 full days on back roads working on composition, exposure and emotion on our images. This is an off-the-beaten path trip. We’ll stay away from popular roadside destinations and the associated crowds. I hope you are able to come along!
Logistics and Costs
The group size is limited to a total 5 participants.
This small group will allow great group interaction without overcrowding any of the intimate locations. We will travel together for the entire workshop in a single suburban. Tony will of course be with the group the entire time.
All levels of photographers are welcome. I’m happy to work with you to achieve whatever goals you set for yourself. We can work on skills as advanced or basic as you like. Either way, this will be a highly interactive trip with an amazing amount of time immersed in the fall colors.
During a typical day, the group will meet around 7am for 4-5 hours of shooting in the field. We typically take a mid-day break for a few hours and meet again in the afternoon around 3pm for another few hours of shooting. We spend some evenings and any adverse weather times working on laptops reviewing and editing images. Weather permitting, we will do some astrophotography in the evenings.
9/29 Wed: Meet in Montrose for dinner, overnight at the Holiday Inn Express in Montrose
9/30 Thu: Photographing in and around the Telluride region, spend night in Telluride/Mtn Village
10/1 Fri: Photographing in and around the Telluride region, spend night in Telluride/Mtn Village
10/2 Sat: Photographing in and around the Telluride region, spend night in Telluride/Mtn Village
10/3 Sun: Photograph in the morning, workshop ends mid-morning

$2000 per participant.
What’s included
- All photography instruction and transportation during the workshop
What’s not included
- Transportation to/from Telluride
- Meals
- Lodging. I can help with reservations if needed.
- Given the small group size, deposits and payments are non-refundable unless we can re-book your space.
"My thanks as well, Tony, for a great workshop! I not only learned some very helpful new ideas and techniques but had a great time doing it in the incredible settings you shared with us! "
"Tony, thank you for a fabulous workshop! I learned a great deal during the course of these 4 days and am enjoying going through all the images. I enjoyed getting to know each of the group members and felt it was a great group to be a part of. "
"Thank you so much for such a terrific and fun workshop! I learned a lot and sincerely hope I can remember at least some of it-- (haha). You are so easy going and approachable and I really appreciate your patience and willingness to share your knowledge."